Why is HBO Max Volume so low?

You’ve finally carved out enough time between work, family, and your side hustle selling scented candles to settle in for that long-awaited Succession marathon. Popcorn’s popped, sweatpants are on, and you excitedly hit play on the pilot episode. But wait – why can you barely make out those deliciously biting Roy family insults over the … Read more

Here’s why Season 7 of Dance Moms not on Hulu.

Hey, dance fans! We’re back with the latest scoop on everyone’s favorite reality show, Dance Moms. If you’ve been binge-watching the series on Hulu like we have, you may have noticed something strange. Season 6 ended with a dramatic cliffhanger, and we were pumped and ready for more drama with Abby and her dancers. But … Read more

Which Disney Sports Movie Did Brie Larson Play In? Answered

We’re back at it again with another trip down Disney movie memory lane. As avid Disney fans, we’ve seen our fair share of sports-themed classics from the Mouse House studios. From hockey to baseball, Disney doesn’t shy away from capturing the thrill of competition. One such film that falls into that category is Right on … Read more

Why Are Tubi Movies So Bad? Let’s Talk

We here at Bad Movie Blog have a love-hate relationship with Tubi. On one hand, it’s free and has just about any B-movie or direct-to-video schlockfest you could ask for. On the other, most of what’s on there makes Sharknado look like The Godfather. Still, we can’t look away. Like rubberneckers passing a car crash, … Read more

Why Did Euphoria Get Removed From Netflix?

Euphoria became one of the most talked about shows when it premiered on HBO in 2019. Between the graphic content and controversial storylines, it garnered a lot of attention, both good and bad. When the show became available on Netflix it reached an even wider audience. But shortly after the second season premiered, Euphoria suddenly … Read more

Why Did Netflix Remove The Hunger Games?

You know the feeling – you’re scrolling through Netflix, looking for a good movie to watch, and suddenly you realize one of your favorites is gone. Where did it go? That sinking feeling hit a lot of us when The Hunger Games disappeared from Netflix. We did some digging to get to the bottom of … Read more

Why is Netflix Removing Christian Movies? Let’s Find out.

We’ve noticed some buzz online lately about Christian movies disappearing from Netflix. As fans of faith-based films, we were surprised and a little alarmed when people started claiming Netflix was intentionally removing them. In this article, we’ll look at the claims that Netflix is removing Christian movies, examine the facts behind them, and discuss whether … Read more

Did Brie Larson Sing in Scott Pilgrim?

Believe it or not, Brie Larson rocked out back in 2010’s Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Yup, way before her Oscar or Captain Marvel days, she played Envy Adams, lead singer of Clash at Demonhead. You probs remember lil’ Envy – she was Scott’s ex and fronted her band. But did Larson belt out those … Read more

Does Hulu Have Your Local News and Sports Channels?

Hey folks! If you’re like us, you probably cut the cord years ago but still miss your local news and sports channels. Well, we’ve got some good news for you – Hulu offers many popular local channels so you can keep up with what’s happening in your neck of the woods. In this post, we’ll … Read more

Why Did Netflix Remove Monster High Movies

Netflix has been huge in streaming entertainment, with a wide variety of movies and shows for many people. But recently, Monster High fans were confused when Netflix took the movies off. This got fans upset and wondering why Netflix removed these popular films. This article will look at why Netflix took the Monster High movies … Read more